Pasted Graphic
* based on the work of Robert Plutchik - "Plutchik's Emotion Wheel" see The Nature of Emotions

Emotions, Ruling Passions and Personality Traits

Some psychologists like to say there are eight primary emotions—anger, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise, anticipation, trust, and joy.

Others list the basic emotions as:

* fear
* anger
* joy
* sadness
* disgust
* interest

You can make your own map, based on your emotional experience of life and the kinds of people and situations you are encountering. Over time, develop a more nuanced and intricate map of the emotions, for this is much of what those on the Path of Intimacy experience in meditation moment by moment.

For meditators, the primary skill is
acceptance of whatever their emotional experience is. We all need help learning to accept the range of emotional experience, support ourselves to be there, hold and cherish the parts of ourselves involved, allow experience to change and transmute, learn the lessons, and allow ourselves to be educated by our life experience.

We all have tendencies to accept certain experiences and reject others. This is good and healthy. There are times, however, when we have to learn new skills, learn to accept the unacceptable, or accept the next stage of our own development and evolution.

In psychological theory there are debates about what to include. For example, to some,
love is considered to be a much more complex state than a simple emotion.

* abasement
* acceptance
* adoration
* adventurous
* affection
* agreeable
* aggression
* agony
* alarm
* amazement
* ambivalence
* amusement
* anger
* anguish
* animosity
* annoyance
* antagonism
* anticipation
* antipathy
* anxiety
* apathy
* appalled
* appetite
* apprehension
* approbation
* approval
* ardor
* arousal
* assertive
* astonishment
* attentive
* avarice
* averse
* avid
* awe
* balky
* bashful
* bewildered
* bitter
* bliss
* boastful
* bold
* boredom
* broad-mindedness
* calm
* capricious
* captious
* careless
* caring
* caution
* censorious
* cheerful
* cockiness
* compassion
* complacency
* conceit
* concern
* confusion
* consternation
* contempt
* content
* contrary
* cooperative
* cranky
* critical
* curiosity
* cynical
* daring
* daunted
* decisive
* defiance
* dejection
* delectation
* delight
* depression
* desire
* despair
* desperation
* despise
* despondent
* determination
* detestation
* devotion
* diffidence
* disagreeable
* disappointment
* discomposure
* disconcerted
* discontent
* discouragement
* disdain
* disgust
* disheartened
* disinclination
* disinterest
* dismay
* disobedience
* displeasure
* disquieted
* dissatisfaction
* distaste
* distress
* distrust
* doubt
* dread
* eager
* ecstasy
* effrontery
* egocentrism
* egoism
* elation
* embarrassment
* empty
* enjoyment
* enmity
* enthusiasm
* envy
* euphoria
* exasperation
* expectancy
* fault-finding
* fear
* fervor
* foolhardy
* frenzied
* fretful
* forward
* froward
* frustration
* fury
* gaiety
* gall
* generosity
* glad
* glee
* gloom
* greed
* grief
* grouchy
* guilt
* happiness
* hatred
* haughty
* helplessness
* hesitancy
* homesickness
* honor
* hope
* hopelessness
* horror
* hostility
* humiliation
* humility
* impassiveness
* impatience
* impudence
* impulsive
* indecision
* indifference
* indignation
* inhospitable
* insecurity
* insolence
* interest
* intolerance
* irresolution
* irritability
* irritation
* jealousy
* jocular
* jovial
* joy
* lasciviousness
* lethargy
* liberality
* lighthearted
* loathing
* lonely
* love
* lust
* malice
* malignity
* meek
* melancholy
* merry
* mirthful
* misanthropy
* miserable
* modesty
* mortification
* mysoginic
* mysoginism
* narcissism
* nervous
* nosiness
* nostalgia
* obedience
* obstinate
* offense
* optimism
* outrage
* pain
* panic
* paranoia
* partiality
* passion
* passivity
* patience
* peaceful
* peevish
* penitent
* pensive
* perplexity
* perturbed
* perverse
* pessimism
* petulance
* pique
* placidity
* playful
* pleasure
* possessive
* precocious
* prejudice
* pride
* puzzled
* querulous
* quiet pleasure
* radical
* rage
* rancor
* rapture
* rash
* rebellious
* receptive
* reckless
* refractory
* regret
* rejection
* reluctance
* remorse
* repentant
* repugnance
* resentment
* reserved
* resignation
* resolute
* restive
* restlessness
* reverence
* revulsion
* sadness
* sarcasm
* satisfaction
* savage
* scorn
* self-conscious
* self-control
* self-deprecation
* self-destructive
* self-reproach
* sensitivity
* serenity
* shaky
* shame
* shock
* shy
* skepticism
* sociable
* solicitude
* sorrow
* spite
* spontaneity
* startled
* stoic
* stubborn
* submissive
* suicidal
* sunny
* surprise
* surrender
* suspicion
* sympathy
* tension
* terror
* thoughtful
* timid
* tolerance
* tranquility
* trepidation
* triumph
* troubled
* trust
* umbrage
* unassertive
* uncertainty
* uneasiness
* unfriendly
* unhappy
* upset
* vanity
* vehemence
* vengeful
* venturesome
* vexation
* vigilance
* violation
* wariness
* warmhearted
* watchful
* wayward
* woeful
* wonder
* worry
* worship
* worthlessness
* wretched
* zeal

A great teaching movie: INSIDE OUT.
Inside Out clips.