Consider using a slightly different language when talking about your inner life as you explore the path of meditation:

People who take vows of celibacy and poverty have a slightly different approach to meditation than people who live in the world. If you are a person with a job and family, and you love people, practicing detachment can be like taking medication for an illness you don't have. Practicing alienation from yourself can result in loneliness, lack of joy, and depression.

Use the approach that works the best for you, whatever combination of detachment and attachment works best in each given moment.

paths of renunciation or intimacy

Make up your own mixture, suited to your nature and life path. Be aware of how you are choosing.

stillness - - - rest

focus - - - expand

clear the mind - - - rejoice

bring mind back - - - continue

block distractions - - - welcome

quiet the mind - - - bring it on

fixity - - - flow

detach - - - engage

concentrate - - - expand

judgy - - - tender

slow down - - - enjoy speed

stoppage - - - Journey

restrain - - - set free

monkey mind - - - exploring mind

distance - - - intimacy

blank - - - sort

sanctimonious - - - playful

holiness - - - homeyness

celibacy - - - passion

suppress - - - bring it

stillness - - - rhythm

detach - - - be intimate

concentrate - - - delight in

flatten - - - ride waves

Discipline - - - freedom

witness - - - savor