You are invited to become an authorized teacher of the dynamic Radiance Sutras Meditation approach. Upon successful completion of the certification requirements, you will receive a certificate from Pranava School of Meditation and Yoga Alliance Meditation Teacher Certification.
If you just want the training in meditation for your own evolution, but do not want to get certified yet, you may still join the basic program by completing the application. You will not be a certified Radiance Sutras Meditation Teacher, but you will walk away with the key teachings and have an opportunity to dive deep into the human heart, the rhythm of life, and what it means to savor the sweetness of being alive.
You may also take the training now and have the option to become certificated at a later date. CERTIFICATION PROCESS:
If you wish to become certified, the200-hour Radiance Sutras Meditation Teacher Training is a two-year program, and you may take up to five years to fulfill. On an accelerated basis, it is possible to graduate in one year, if the retreat dates for contact hours work for you.
For the Certificate Program, the hours are made up of:
70 contact hours (in person), which you can obtain in workshops at 1440 Multiversity (Santa Cruz, California), Kripalu (Lenox, Massachusetts), Esalen Institute (Big Sur, California), Costa Rica, Australia (Sydney, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast), Hawaii, and other beautiful locations.
130 non-contact hours over the two-year period consisting of:
10 Conference Call Seminars (each year) with Dr. Lorin Roche & Camille Maurine Monthly Small Webinar Discussion Groups 4 Private Sessions by telephone or Zoom with Lorin Roche or Camille Maurine Bonus Seminars Homework assignments Reading assignments 30 Practice sessions Contributing to Facebook group discussion
5 years to complete (we recommend you complete in 2 years)
Year One: 10 conference call seminars and bonus calls Participation in video discussion groups All reading and journaling assignments At least 15 practice sessions with “practice clients” One or more private phone or Zoom sessions (must complete a minimum of 4 private sessions with Lorin Roche and/or Camille Maurine throughout the training)
Year Two: Optional conference call series (take again as review and to go deeper) Small group webinar discussions All practice sessions complete (30 total) All homework and reading assignments complete Complete private sessions with Lorin Roche and/or Camille Maurine (minimum of 4 sessions spaced throughout the training) Final exam